Core Values |

  • We have a proactive approach to working in close collaboration with the design team to ensure that most cost efficient building solution is achieved.

  • Our team is well rounded in multitude of sectors with many years of experience. We can manage all fire engineering aspects of your project and deliver the project efficiently and effectively. Our leaders in the team are engaged, motivated, committed and skilled to ensure the key objectives of the project are satisfied.

  • Whilst our team will aim to deliver exceptional services for our clients by simply being good at what we do, we will also design with community in mind. Our community may involve working with our peers in raising the standards in fire engineering industry or simply a passion in improving wider communities through charitable services.

Services |

  • We have a proactive approach in developing high level holistic fire safety strategy for the building during the concept phases of your project.

  • We have extensive knowledge of the NCC and fire engineering first principles in developing Performance Solutions for your project to satisfy the NCC BCA requirements.

  • We have strong relationships with regulatory authorities for a streamline consulting approach on behalf of our clients.

  • We have the skills in preparing and reviewing evacuation models and computational fire models for your project

  • We understand the requirements in AS 3745 to develop evacuation plans for your building

  • We have accredited fire engineers in the team to assist in independent peer review of your projects to ensure the Performance Solution satisfies the relevant Performance Requirements of the NCC BCA.

Let’s Start with SQR1